Saturday, May 5, 2007

How can Singapore be a more cosmopolitan country?

Singapore has been trying her best to keep talents within the country. It is known that one who has talents and is highly educated is highly sought after from companies overseas. Therefore, in order to allow them to stay in the country, Singapore has carried out certain measures such as the revision of salaries so that these talents would be attracted to the working environment in Singapore.

Furthermore, Singapore also feels that these Singaporeans should have a conscious in the sense that they are being educated in Singapore, and that they should in turn benefit the community that helped them. This idea should be clear to the young in Singapore especially those doing well in schools, colleges, polytechnics and universities.

Only with the required talents in Singapore, the country can grow. Singapore had to adapt constantly and adjust to the realities of a globalising world. Therefore, these people are needed in the planning for the future of the country so that her people can live in a striving economy and not lose out to other countries. We have to observe countries like China to learn from their techniques that made them progress at such a fast pace, thus keeping Singapore moving at such a pace also.

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