Monday, April 23, 2007

Should ministers and civil servants get the pay rise?

I feel that the ministers and civil servants should get the pay rise because it is a measure to prevent corruption in the country as they are paid well. When they are being paid well, they would not think of wanting more money for their own expenditure.

Another reason would be that the government wants to keep talents within the country. When these jobs are more highly paid, the high educated and talented would want to stay in the country. So when the country has more of these talents, the economy will work better as there will be more effective work and more creative innovations.

However, the pay rise should be accompanied by better work performances. I feel that it is only right to pay people who do their work well. These people have to produce results that comply with the standards of the economy. If not, these high paying positions would be redundant and certainly there should not be the pay rise.

Therefore, the pay rise to ministers and civil servants would expect a more productive government that is capable of performing to the best to give the country the best. I feel that Singaporeans would not mind paying someone who takes care of them well.

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